Naoto Fukasawa

portrait designer Naoto Fukasawa holding an aluminum stool

"The Navy chair is one of the most identified icons in America. I had an image of a round stool, which could become a natural part of the Navy chair family, like a brother or sister." 

Naoto Fukasawa envisioned a stool that would give people “a happy mood when sitting.” The simple, joyful Za can inhabit any setting - a timeless classic to be used, cherished, kept, and passed down for generations, much like its forefather, the original 1006 Navy chair. The name means “a place to sit” in Japanese. “Za comes from the soul of Emeco - made for lifetimes of use, with a minimum carbon footprint. Its distinctive “Emeconess” makes it feel like a member of the original Emeco family from the 1940’s.” – Gregg Buchbinder, Emeco Owner